March 26, 2015

Denim Joggers

denim joggers pants, black lace blouse top - fashion outfit
I've been traveling lately with road trip and flying, and my go-to pants for those long treks are these denim joggers. Paired with lace and heels, they can easily look hip, yet feel oh so comfy! I've been gravitating towards dainty gold jewelry, and I adore the pieces from Marshelly's, a brand based in NYC. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

{top} 7 For All Mankind
{bottom} 7 For All Mankind (similar)
{shoes} Zara
{accessories} Karen Walker sunglasses, evil eye necklace (similar), bangle and knuckle ring c/o Marshelly's


  1. Omg your denim jogger! I think I should have one in my closet! Love the whole outfit!

  2. I love the denim joggers, what a versatile pair of clothing. It pairs nicely with the lace-top and the heels adds the chic to the outfit.

    Princess Audu

  3. OMGosh I have been obsessed with joggers for the past couple of years. I've never seen or heard of denim ones--PERFECT!

  4. jogger pants are showing up a lot lately and you pull them off very well! they look so good with a nice pair of heels like you have(:

  5. I always thought these were such a style risk when I saw them on a hanger, but I love how you styled them! Gorgeous.


  6. Love how those denim joggers and the lace top go together!

  7. Love the denim jogger and lace top pairing! The gold jewelry goes so well!

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