January 26, 2015

Paris Darling

H&M Paris Darling slogan sweater, Uniqlo flannel shirt outfit
My go-to casual look as of late: oversized slogan sweater or long flannel shirt. I combined them both in this look here, but often times would wear them separately as well. I've been searching for a while for a flannel shirt that was long enough to pair with leggings for a good price point, but had been unsuccessful. I opted for the men's section and happily found one! Sometimes, it's nice to borrow from the boys :)

{top} H&M sweater (similar), Uniqlo flannel shirt (men's)
{shoes} Steve Madden
{bag} Gucci
{accessories} Ray-Ban sunglasses, Michael Kors watch, H&M rings


  1. Such a cute outfit, I love the flannel!
    check out my new posts?


  2. Gorgeous look and love how you've tied the tartan shirt around your waste.

    I've recently relaunched my website CH1K.com and would love if you could stop by and check it out! Let me know what you think xx

    Helen xx

  3. Nice t-shirt!! ;) Love Paris!! ;)
    Kisses from Spain.
    Xoxo, P.

    My Showroom

  4. i love this casual yet totally chic look!


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